For many people, chiropractic care is a supplementary service, an optional add-on to their regular visits to a primary care physician. Still others view chiropractic as a place to seek relief and recovery after sustaining an injury. But what if chiropractic could be an integral part of your healthcare regimen? The reality is that chiropractic can do so much more for your body than simply healing isolated trauma.
Our practice is dedicated to providing holistic care for our patients through custom-tailored adjustments and therapies. Your body is more than the sum of its individual parts, and we believe that chiropractic can play a significant role in achieving optimal health. Read on to learn more about why we do what we do.
First, it’s important to acknowledge just how important the spine is to our body as a whole. It serves as a strong central pillar that provides support and flexibility, and it houses and protects the central nervous system from damage. It should come as no surprise that such a fundamental structure can have profound effects on our overall health and wellness.
When your spine is out of alignment, it can cause any number of issues across the rest of your body, some more surprising than others. For example, as unlikely as it sounds, indigestion may be the result of a subluxated spine. When your vertebrae pinch or constrict the nerves running through your spinal column, your body is unable to function as efficiently as it could. Chronic aches, pains, migraines, and even brain fog may stem from an issue with your spine.
On a larger scale, poor posture can also lead to physical imbalance in the body. Clumsiness and lack of coordination may be the result of structural limitations or inconsistencies. If you suffer from restricted range of motion or poor posture, then you’re more likely to injure yourself and cause further harm to your body.
Chiropractic care addresses all these health concerns, and more. Chiropractors use a hands-on approach to correct vertebrae, loosen joints, and relax muscles. Not only will this alleviate immediate discomfort and persistent symptoms, but it will help prevent further injury in the future. So you see, routine chiropractic appointments can actually be quite useful for maintaining peak overall health. Consult your chiropractor today to develop a regular treatment.
Looking for a chiropractor to call home? We invite you to check out our practice here at Wirth Chiropractic. Drop by one of our two office locations in Greenville, NC, or give us a call today to schedule your free initial consultation!